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No System name Development process System reform information Current system scale Development period
1 Construction management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VB6.0 → VB.NET2017
SQLServer 2008 → SQLServer 2016
InputMan Pro Ver.6.5J → InputMan Plus for Windows Forms10.0J
SPREAD Ver.3.0J → SPREAD for Windows Forms 10.0J
ActiveToolBars Plus Ver.2.0J → .NET Standard control
CrystalReports 8 → CrystalReports2016
Windows Server 2008 EE SP1 → Windows Server 2016 Standard
Windows7 → Windows7/10
9 months
2 Production sales management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VB6.0 → VB.NET2010
C#2003 → C#2010
Oracle9.2.0.8 → Oracle11g
Crystal Reports 2003 → Crystal Reports 2011
InputMan6.5J → InputMan for Windows Forms 7.0J
SPREAD6.0J → MultiRow for Windows Forms 7.0J
Windows Server 2003 R2 → Microsoft Windows Server2008 R2
WindowsXP → Windows7
6 months
3 Accounting system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VB.NET(Framework 2.0) → VB.NET(Framework4.5)
Oracle 10g → Oracle 11g R2
SPREAD for .Net Windows Forms 2.5J → SPREAD for Windows Forms 7.0J
InputMan for .NET Windows Forms 4.0J → InputMan for Windows Forms 7.0J
ActiveReports2.0J Std → ActiveReports7.0J Std
ExcelCreator 5 → ExcelCreator 2012
Windows Server 2003 R2 → Windows Server2008 R2
WindowsXP → Windows7
VB.NET:585.6KL 9 months
4 Management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test ASP.NET2005 (Framework 2.0) → ASP.NET (Framework4.5.2)
AIX6.1 → No change
DB2Ver9.7 → No change
Windows 2003 R2 → Windows 2012 R2
Windows7 → No change
ASP.NET:836.8KL 5 months
5 Certification system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VB.NET → ASP.NET
Oracle10g → Oracle11g
None → IIS7.0
Windows2003 → Windows Server 2008
WindowsXP → WindowsVista/XP
VB.NET:988.6KL 9 months
6 Transportation system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support ASP → ASP.NET2010
VBS → VB.NET2010
SQLServer2005 → SQLServer2008
Windows Server 2003 → Windows Server 2008
Windows7 → smartphone(ios 6 and 7, android 4.1 and 4.4)
ASP:245.1KL 8 months
7 Relationship system Inventory, migration design, specification documentation, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support C, Pro*C version upgrade
VB5 → Java
Oracle9i → Oracle11g
HP-UX11 → RedHat Linux V5
None → Struts1.3, seasar2
WindowsXP/7 → No change
6 months
8 Reception system Inventory, migration design, specification documentation, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VB5 → Java + OJF
SQLServer2000 → Oracle11g(Unicode compatible)
None → RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.4
SPREAD 2.5+InputMan 5.0 → HTML standard control
Excel Object Library → poi-3.0.2-FINAL
ADO → ojdbc6
WindowsXP → WindowsXP/7
VB:38.8KL 5 months
9 Payment system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support ASP.NET(C#.NET) → Java1.8
C#.NET → Java1.8
Oracle 11g → FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres
MIDMOST for .NET Maris → CRUST(Spring)
IIS 7.5→ FUJITSU Interstage Application Server Enterprise Edition  V11
Windows Server 2008 → Red Hat Linux 7.3
Windows7 → Windows8/10
8 months
10 Accounting system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Access97 → ASP.NET(.NET Framework  
3.5SP1 Language:VB.NET)
Access97 → Server2008 R2
Access97 Report → SVF
Windows Server 2003 →
Windows Server 2008 R2
WindowsXP → Windows7
7 months
11 Sales system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Java4 → Java6
WAS V5.1 → WAS V8.5
Struts 1.1 → Struts 1.3.10
DB2 V8 → DB2 V8
AIX5 → RedHat Linux 6.4
Windows7 → No change
Java:4,500KL 7 months
12 Management system Inventory, migration design, UI design – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Java1.2/1.3/1.4 → Java6
WACs4.0 → Struts2.2 + Spring3.0
AIX C → Linux C
AIX Perl&Shell → Linux Perl&Shell
DB2 8.1 → DB2 9.7
AIX5.2 → RedHat Linux 6
WindowsXP → WindowsXP/Vista/7
10 months
13 Purchasing system Inventory, migration design, specification documentation, source code migration – system test, user acceptance test support, go-live, functional modification Java1.3 → Java6
WACs(JavaEE) → NSF(Struts1)
SQC → Pro*C
WAS V4 → JBoss 5.0.1
DB2 7.2 → Oracle11
AIX5 → RedHat Linux 5.4
WindowsXP → WindowsXP/7
10 months
14 Insurance system Inventory, migration design, specification documentation, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Java5 → Java8
ASP&Perl → Java8
WACsV4.3.4, Struts1.1 → SpringMVC 4.3.10
DB2 V8 → DB2 V8 for Linux
z/OS V1.10 → RedHat Linux 7.2(Azure)
Windows7/8/10 → No change
Java/JSP:136KL 5 months
15 Management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Java6 → Java8
Struts1 → SpringMVC4.3
Oracle 11g → Oracle 12c
JBoss EAP 5.1.1 → JBoss EAP 7
Red Hat Linux 5.5 → Red Hat Linux 7
Windows7 → No change
Java/JSP:70.5KL 5 months
16 Sales system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Flex + Action Script3 + JavaScript + Jsp → HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript + Jsp(front side)
Java 7.0 → No change
Oracle → No change
Windows Server® 2012 Standard (64-bit), Windows Server® 2012 R2 Standard (64-bit), Windows Server® 2016 Standard (64-bit) → No change
Windows7/10 → No change
Action Script:10.4KL
8 months
17 Accounting system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support OracleForms9i → OracleFroms 11g
Oracle 9i → Oracle 12c
HP-UX11i → Solaris11.1
OAS → weblogic
Windows7 → No change
9 months
18 Logistics management system Asset inventory, migration design, specification documentation, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support OracleForms10g → Java
AIX 5 → RHEL 6.4
Windows2003 SP2 → RHEL 6.4
Windows7 → No change
10 months
19 production management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support PowerBuilder6.5 → PowerBuilder2017
PL/SQL → No change
BAT → No change
Oracle 9i StandardEdition → Oracle 12c Standard
Windows Server 2003 → Windows Server 2016
Windows7 → Windows7/10
3 months
20 Management system Inventory, migration design, specification documentation, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support, functional modification PowerBuilder → J2EE, Ajax
SQLServer → PostgreSQL
Windows7 → No change
7 months
21 Sales system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support dbMagic 10.1 → VB.NET2015
NetCobol V9.0 → NetCobol V11.0
Oracle 11g → No changes
Windows Server 2003 R2 SP1 → Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows7 → Windows7/10
5 months
22 Next system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Notes screen → Jsp, Java
Notes command → Java
Java → Java
SQLServer 2000 → SQLServer 2012
Lotus Notes/Domino → Apache Tomcat
IBM → Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows7/8 → No change
Notes Agent:27.5KL
4 months
23 Management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Cold Fusion 8 → Cold Fusion 2016
Oracle Database 10g → Oracle Database 12c R2
ColdFusion 8 Standard Edition → ColdFusion 2016 Standard Edition
OpenLDAP For Windows → No change
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.4 → RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.2
Windows10 → No change
4 months
24 Logistics system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VC++6.0 → VC++.NET 2015
Form:VC++6.0 → VC++2015(Microsoft Foundation Class )
Windows7 → Windows7/10
VC++:335.4KL 6 months
25 Management system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support VC++ → C# 2017
Oracle 11g → Oracle 12c
Windows Server 2008R2 Standard → Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows7/10 → No change
VC++:146.4KL 8 months
26 Business trip business system Inventory, migration design, specification documentation – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support Delphi4 → VB.NET2005
VB6.0 → VB.NET2005
COBOL → Visual C++ 2005
CO Reports Ver.7/Ver.8 → CO Reports Ver.9
C++ 6.0 → Visual C++ 2005
Oracle7, SQLServer2000, PARADOX → SQLServer2005
Windows2000/XP → Windows7
11 months
27 Mail order system Inventory, migration design, source code migration – migration test, system test & user acceptance test support, go-live PHP 5.0.5 → PHP 5.3.28
Oracle10g → Oracle11g
MiracleLinux4.0 SP2 x86_64 → Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 64bit
Cloud Computing Services:Amazon Web Services
Windows7 32bit → No change
PHP:1151KL 11 months


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