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Java framework change

Potential Problems of Java Framework Change

Recommended AI Automatic Conversion

Automatic Conversion Sample

①Change Java program’s architecture

②Track and modify the related items of variable and processing across the entire system

③Generate easy-to-understand Java code

Test ―Very high quality with a significant reduction in labor costs

Customer Testimonial (presentations)

Migration Cases

Manufacturing management system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 1.5 → Open JDK 17
Apcoordinator + Fujitsu EZD V2.1 → Customized SpringBoot 2.7.5 + EJB 3
Oracle Database 11g → EnterpriseDB Advanced Server 15
Windows 7, Windows10 → Windows10, Windows11, iOS 16.2
IE11(IE5 mode) → Edge111, Safari16
Shift_JIS  → UTF-8(DB character code)
Current system scale
Java: 3,322.7KL, JSP: 60.1KL
Development period
19 months

Three Java systems of auto company

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − system test, user acceptance test support, go-live
System reform information
Java1.3 → Java6
SQC → Pro*C
WACs (JavaEE) → NSF (Struts1)
DB2 7.2 → Oracle Database 11
Windows XP/7 → no change
IE7 → no change
Current system scale
Java/JSP: 2,397KL, SQC: 484.7KL
Development period
10 months

Mission-critical system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support, go-live support
System reform information
Java 6 → Oracle Java 17
JSP → Thymeleaf
Java6 + Struts1.2.9 + Seasar2 + S2Dao + Ajax + jQuery → Thymeleaf 3.0.15 + SpringBoot 2.6.6 + Mybatis 3.5.9 + Ajax + jQuery3.6
Oracle Database 10g/11g → Oracle Database 19c
Windows 10 → no change, IE11(IE5 compatible mode) → Chrome (the latest version)
PrintStream FormEditor → SVFX-Designer 10.1, SVF for PDF 10.1 (screen)
Current system scale
Java: 834.6KL, JSP: 320.0KL, JavaScript: 975.2KL
Development period
16 months

Three Java systems of an airline

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java1.2/1.3/1.4 → Java6
WACs4.0 → Struts2.2 + Spring3.0
DB2 8.1 → DB2 9.7
Windows XP → Windows XP/Vista/7
Current system scale
Java/JSP: 1,535KL, SQC: 86.8KL
Development period
10 months

Financial system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Oracle JDK 1.5 → RedHat Open JDK 17
Apcoordinator + ymrfw (customized framework) → customized SpringBoot 2.7.5 + EJB 3
Oracle Database 11.2 → Oracle Database 19C
Windows7, Windows10 → Windows10, Windows11
Edge(IE5 modie) → Edge119
Current system scale
Java: 1,393.14KL, JSP: 185.66KL, JavaScript: 3.7KL
Development period
16 months

Java system of insurance company

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 5 → Java 8
WACsV4.3.4、Struts1.1 → SpringMVC 4.3.10
DB2 V8 → DB2 V8 for Linux
Windows7/8/10 → no change
IE11 → no change
Current system scale
Java/JSP: 998.1KL
Development period
27 months

Recruitment WEB system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java1.8 → Java11(AmazonCorretto11)
Seasar2, Struts2 → SpringBoot2.3.2 + Mybatis3.5.1
Oracle Database, Postgres9.2.10 → no change
Windows10 + Chrome v74 → no change
Current system scale
Java: 415.3KL, JSP/JavaScript: 296.7KL
Development period
10 months

Sales system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 8 → Java 13 (Oracle JDK)
Struts1.1 + Hibernate → Spring MVC 5.2 + Hibernate 5.4
Oracle Database 11.2 → PostgreSQL 11.7
Windows10 → no change
IE11 → Edge 88, Chrome 8
Current system scale
Java: 461.4KL, JSP: 65.0KL
Development period
7 months

Manufacturing system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support
System reform information
Java 1.8 → Red Hat OpenJDK 17
SQLJ 3.72.44 → SQL + Java(Red Hat OpenJDK 17)
WACs 8.4.1 → SpringMVC 5.3.31 + MyBatis 3.5.11
DB2 v11.1.3.3 → Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
Windows10 → Windows10, Windows11
Edge (IE5) → Edge (the latest version)
IBM-943 → UTF-8
Current system scale
Java: 388.7KL, JSP: 29.3KL, Shell: 26.7KL, SQLJ: 134.8KL
Development period
14 months

Store equipment management system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 1.6 → OpenJDK 17
Struts2 + Spring Framework + iBatis → SpringBoot 2.7.4 + MyBatis3.5.9
Oracle Database 11g → Oracle Database 19C
Windows 7 /Windows 10 → Windows7/Windows10/Windows11
IE11(IE7 mode) → Edge118、Chrome118
Current system scale
Java: 381.6KL, JSP: 119.2KL
Development period
9 months

Data conversion system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 1.7 → Amazon Corretto 17
TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java 2 → TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java 5.7
TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java 3.2.0 → TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java 5.7
DB2 7.2 → Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
Windows7, Windows10, Windows11 → Windows10, Windows11
IE11 → Edge (the latest version), Chrome (the latest version)
Character code: Shift_JIS → UTF-8
Current system scale
JSP: 42.8KL, Java (screen): 253.1KL, Java (batch): 193.2KL
Development period
11 months

Web system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test
System reform information
Java 1.7.0_45 → AdoptOpenJDK11(LTS)
Spring Framework 3.2.9 + JDBC → Spring Framework 5.2.4 + JDBC
WACs 8 → Spring Framework 5.2.4
DB2 10.5 → MySQL 8.0.18
Windows10 → no change
IE11, Edge → no change
Current system scale
Java: 356.2KL, JSP: 26.6KL
Development period
9 months

Transaction system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − system test, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 1.6.0_19 → Amazon Corretto
Seasar2 → Spring FrameWork 6.1.2 + MyBatis 3.5.15
Oracle Database 12c EE → Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 16
Windows10 → Windows10, Windows11 (verify operation)
Edge (IE mode) → Edge121.0.2277.112
Current system scale
Java: 220.5KL, JSP: 29.3KL, JavaScript: 34.4KL, CSS: 16.8KL
Development period
13 months

Management system

Development process
Inventory, migration design, source migration − migration test, system test support, user acceptance test support
System reform information
Java 7 → AdoptOpenJDK 8
Teeda + Seasar2 + S2Dao → Thymeleaf3.0.11 + Spring Boot2.3.1 + MyBatis 3.5.3
MySQL 5.7 → SQLServer 2019
Windows 8.1 → Windows 10
IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge → no change
Current system scale
Java: 113.3KL, HTML: 48.2KL, JavaScript: 17.6KL, SQL: 13.2KL
Development period
7 months


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