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Test for high quality

Quality of system reform

Our rigorous testing results in remarkably high quality.
The graph of our bug rate in recent 5 years. Each blue dot represents bug rate of 1 of our projects in that period.
The red dotted line is Japanese quality standard set by JUAS (Japan Users Association of Information Systems ), which stands at 0.25bugs/1000 line of code.
Most of our projects achieved close to 0 bug rate. None of our projects exceeded the 0.25bugs/1000 line of code JUAS standard.

Test All Technical Points

100% coverage of Technical Points.
Test is automated as well. We use our test tools to input data, run the programs step by step, compare the output, and find the places where the discrepancies happen.
We are the only company who can identify every detail grammars as technical points and find out where and how many times a particular grammar is tested. That is how we achieve 100% test coverage, instead of leaving that responsibility to customers.

Comparison Test simulating the business Operation

We run the migrated system using data from real business day. Then we compare the output, until they are the same.
This serves as a cross check to make sure no particular data or program problems are left untreated. This gives customer peace of mind.


For more details about system migration,
please click here.